2023 Annual Meeting Program

Friday, June 2nd

12:15 pm - 12:30 pm
Welcome Address

12:30 pm - 1:15 pm
ACS President - Elect
Henri R. Ford, MD, MHA, FACS, FRCS, FAAP

1:15 pm - 1:45 pm

1:45 pm - 2:45 pm
Video Based Assessment
Jay Redan, MD, FACS

2:45 pm - 4:45 pm
Skills Course
Residents and trainees are cordially invited to put their skills to practice using hands-on materials at 5 unique skill stations. At each station, participants will be instructed and graded on a particular skill set. The two highest-scoring residents of this competition will have their names submitted to the ACS for possible participation in the ACS Clinical Congress Surgical Olympics competition.

Resident Participants Sign Up Here

4:45 pm - 5:45 pm
Robotics Symposia: The Intersection of Technology and Surgical Care: Advancement
The panel discussion will delve into the rapidly evolving world of robotic surgery and its implications on surgical care across various disciplines. Experts from hepatobiliary, colorectal, thoracic, and general/hernia surgery will come together to discuss the advancements, challenges, and ethical considerations surrounding the use of robotic surgery in their respective fields

Mark K Soliman MD FACS FASCRS; FACS, Chris DuCoin, MD, FACS; Sharona Ross, MD, FACS; Luis Javier Herrera, MD

5:45 pm - 6:45 pm
Welcome Reception

Saturday, June 3rd

7:00 am - 7:30 am
Breakfast with Exhibitors | Posters

7:30 am - 8:30 am
Surgical Jeopardy is a surgical knowledge adaptation of the famous television game show Jeopardy! and has been a resounding hit and staple for nearly a decade. Resident teams representing programs across the state compete to demonstrate their surgical knowledge and win the title of Surgical Jeopardy Champion. What makes Surgical Jeopardy so special is its ability to promote resident participation in ACS activities and to motivate learning in the spirit of good-natured and friendly competition.

Register a Team Here8:30 am - 9:30 am
Advocacy Symposia
Patrick V Bailey MD, MLS, JD, FACS; Senator Colleen Burton; John H. Armstrong, MD, FACS; Patricia M Byers MD FACS

9:30 am - 10:00 am
Break with Exhibitors

10:00 am - 11:00 am
Global Surgery Symposia: The Importance of Surgical Advocacy
Girma Tefera, MD, FACS; Andrea S Parker MD, FACS, FCS(ECSA); Robin T Petroze, MD, MPH, FACS; Alfredo Quinones‐Hinojosa, MD, FACS

11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Presidential Address: Updates from the American College of Surgeons
Updates will include : the seal and the new logo; membership; quality programs ; education ; and Advancing Diversity.

E. Christopher Ellison, MD, FACS, MAMSE

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Lunch | Business Meeting
Kenneth W. Sharp, MD FACS, ACS Foundation

1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Resident Paper Competition
This prestigious competition is open to all general surgery residents, surgical specialty residents and research fellows. Medical students
are eligible to submit an abstract for the poster hall only.

Understanding Gender Disparities in Training Surgical Residents - a Review of Objective Evaluation Data Background
Ankita Roy, MD | HCA East Florida Consortium (Westside/Northwest)

HSD17B13 Genetic Variant is Protective Against NAFLD Burden in Obese Subjects
Isabella Angeli Pahim, MD | University of Florida

Survival Paradox Between Stage IIB/C and Stage IIIA Colon Cancer: Is it Time to Revise the American Joint Committee on Cancer TNM System?
James Sahawneh, MD | Orlando Health

Rural versus urban commuting patients with Stage III Colon Cancer: Is there a difference in treatment and outcome?
Justin Hutchinson, MD | Orlando Health

A Pilot Study of a Low Cost Simulation to Teach and Assess Breast Cancer Communication and Procedural Skills
Kim Helseth, MD | HCA Florida Orange Park Hospital

Nationwide Outcomes and Costs of Hospitalizations for Gender-affirming Surgery in the United States
Lucia Castro Hernandez, MD | Memorial Healthcare System

2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Poster Presentations
Poster presentations will take place in the Poster Hall/Meal Room

Monitor One

  • Katherine Englander | University of South Florida | Factors Influencing Lymph Node Positivity in HER2/neu+ Breast Cancer Patients

  • Julia Gallagher, BA | USF Morsani College of Medicine | Factors Associated With Node-Positive Disease in ER+ Breast Cancer Patients

  • Linda Guan, BS | UCF College of Medicine | Evaluation of Surgical Delay on Pediatric Ovarian Torsion Outcomes

  • JP Jensen, DO | HCA Florida Bayonet Point/USF Morsani College of Medicine | Is There a Need to Transfer Mild Traumatic Brain Injuries to Higher Level Care Centers | HCA Florida Bayonet Point/USF Morsani College of Medicine | Perioperative Compliations in Substance Abuse Patients Undergoing Urgent and Emergent Surgery

  • Caline McCarthy, MS | University of Central Florida College of Medicine | Dressing for Wound Infection Prophylaxis in Colorectal Surgery: A Review

  • Sean Scanlon, MD | UCF/HCA GME Greater Orlando | Factors associated with access site complications after lower extremity angiogram

  • Johnathan Torikashvili, BS | University of South Florida - Morsani College of Medicine | COVID-19's Financial Impact: Rising for Non-Elective Lower Extremity Amputations
    Gabriela Aitken, MD | Memorial Healthcare System | Accuracy of Wound Classifications: Lessions Learned After Education

  • Emily Grimsley, MD | University of South Florida | Lower Socioeconomic Status Predicts Greater Obstacles to Care: Using Outpatient Cholecystectomy as a Model

  • Nicholas Lago, DO | Broward Health | Is Magnetic Sphincter Augmentation (LINX) superior to Partial Fundoplication in treatment of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease? Comparing 2 Years of Clinical Outcomes

Monitor Two

  • Azalia Avila, MD | Memorial Healthcare System | Results of a survey evaluating surgical resident priorities during the match: A look at the imact of in-person and virtual visits | Utilization of gastrosomy tubes with Pierre Robin Sequence

  • Evan Barrios, MD | University of Florida | Development of a Novel Set of Screening Parameters to Augment Identification of Pediatric Non-Accidental Head Trauma

  • Neha Chintapally | University of South Florida Morsani College of Medicine | Tumor Characteristics Associated with Axillary Nodal Positivity in Triple Negative Breast Cancer

  • Gwendolyn Gillies, MD | University of Florida | Anemia Recovery After Lung Contusion, Hemorrhagic Shock and Chronic Stress is Sex-Specific

  • Jack Jimenez | University of South Florida | CPAP vs High Nasal Oxygen in the Postoperative Setting: A Narrative Review

  • Alexandra Ladd, MD | University of Florida | Impactof CYP3A4, CYP3A5, and ABCB1 genotypes on tacrolimus dosing and monitoring in liver transplant patients | University of Florida | Utilization of Visual Artifical Intelligence to Improve Intraoperative Identification of Biliary Anatomy

  • Crista Horton, MD | Broward Health | Malnourishment lengthens hospital stay in critically ill trauma patients

  • Nicole Lyons, MD | General Surgery Resident | Short versus Long Antibiotic Duration for Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infection: A Systematic Review and Mata-Analysis

Monitor Three

  • Monique Motta, MD | Memorial Healthcare System | Outcomes of bariatric surgery in adolescents: comparing high volume adult bariatric and pediatric general surgery hospitals | Memorial Healthcare System | Imaging for Appendicitis: Does Where you Get Care Matter?

  • Jennifer Munley, MD | University of Florida | Narrowing the Gap: Preclinical Trauma/Sepsis Model with Increased Clinical Relavance

  • Varsha Ramachandran | University of South Florida Morsani College of Medicine | A Retropective Analysis of Peritoneal Disease Referrals Who are Ineligible for CRS-HIPEC: Clinical Characteristics and Outcomes

  • Gabriel Ramos Gonzalez, MD | Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital | Parathyroid Autotransplantation in Pediatric Total Thyroidectomy: Predictors and Early Clinical Outcomes

  • Gabriel Ramos-Gonzalez, MD | Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital | Role of Initial Antibiotics in Post-Appendectomy Organ Site Infection in Perforated Appendicitis

  • Megan Shumway, MD | Memorial Healthcare System | A propensity-matched comparison of minoritized and ethnic groups of trauma patients placed in contact isolation

  • Sudarshan Srirangapatanam | University of Central Florida College of Medicine | Role of core preventative screening in kidney stone surgical outcomes

  • Ayssel Tanbari | University of Central Florida College of Medicine | Prevalance and Incidence of Kideny Stone Surgeries in Florida

  • Eric Tong | Broward Health Medical Center | Postoperative Patient Outcomes of 180 Degree Watson Anterior Partial Fundoplication Versus Toupet Posterior Partial Fundoplication

  • Vishal Patel, DO | HCA Florida Westside | Sacral Decubitus Ulcer as an Unusual Presentation of Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infection

  • Catherine Donat, MD | Florida Atlantic University | Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy Injuries: 30 Years of pain, But Still No Gain

3:00 pm - 3:15 pm
Break with Exhibitors

3:15 pm - 4:15 pm
Spectacular Cases
the Florida Chapter is accepting case submissions from residents and fellows that are of interest to practicing surgeons and describe experiences that may not be routinely seen or was treated in a unique fashion. The top 5 submissions will be selected to share their cases live at the annual meeting!

Retrieval of Aspirated Nail in Peripheral Lung Utilizing Robotic Navigational Bronchoscopy
Bhupaul Ramsuchit, MD | Orlando Health

Foramen of Winslow Hernia
Rebecca Schwartz, MD | University of Florida

Non-Islet Cell Tumor Hypoglycemia Secondary to a 20 cm Intraabdominal Leiomyoma in a Male Patient
Michelle Lippincott | Moffitt Cancer Center

Pushing the Limits:  The Feasibility of Robotic Surgery for Giant Adrenal Tumors
Spencer Berman, DO | Florida Atlantic University

4:15 pm - 5:15 pm
Surgical Chairs Symposia
Surgical chairs from 5 different programs will address the challenges facing surgical training now and in the future.

Leigh Neumayer, MD, MS, FACS, MAMSE; Murray Shames, MD; Omaida C. Velazquez, MD; Sarah McLaughlin, MD; John Sweeney, MD

Sunday, June 4th

10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Disney Animal Kingdom Event
During this in-depth 2-hour tour, you will get an insider’s look at the innovative ways the Disney team is meeting challenges in areas such as conservation, animal nutrition, medicine, animal care, and behavioral studies.  Highlights will include a tour of our state-of-the-art veterinary hospital, science center, and animal nutrition center.  Please note the program takes place entirely behind the scenes.  Animal viewing is extremely limited, and no photography is permitted on this tour.

Space is limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis. All participants must use provided transportation between the hotel and Disney. Shuttle times will be provided as we get closer to the event. Private vehicles will not be permitted. A state-issued ID is required for entry.

Ticket purchase grants attendees access to the behind-the-scenes event only. If you wish to visit Disney Animal Kingdom, you must tickets from Disney and enter through the main park entrances.

Purchase your tickets for this event when registration opens!